From social media engagement to digital advertising, above the line to below the line, our team of creatives are here to help. We are equipped and able to develop creative, visually appealing and attention-grabbing designs to help your brand communicate the right message.
With the social media landscape filled with images that short-attention-spanned-users deem are ‘share-worthy’, our designers are tasked with creating visuals that can stop a speeding bullet. Much like a geisha that can ‘stop a man in his tracks with one look’, our visuals go through rigorous tests that determine their readiness (only with less screaming and make-up).
The creative zombies that we have (irresponsibly) given high end machines to are able to weave images filled with information for Facebook, break the flow but seams beautifully in Instagram and incite clicks on Twitter. Our Google Display Networks (GDNs) have been known to make users order pizzas or even buy a luxury handbag.
Someone once said that print is dead. Well that someone is wrong and is now embarrassed to come out of his house. Print media is alive and well. When given the task, our creative zombies will break out into a dance number that will summon billboards that will make you stop at the side of the road and weep at its infinite beauty. Their high fives is a sign that either a brochure, banner or a bunting is born and is ready to take on the world.
Their war cries generate waves that sculpts a print or a magazine ad that surprisingly adheres to all publishing guidelines. When given a box of pencils, they will draw. More specifically, they will draw a logo for your company that will stand the test of time!
It takes a lot to keep a user focused on a page. But fear not, our creative zombies are well versed in designing UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) while keeping coding limitations in mind. The have the inside info on how the eye travels on a web page and are not afraid to use it!
Redcap Pharmacy Website